Seven Steps to Setting Intentions for a Mindful New Year

Hey there, lovely souls! As we stand at the doorway of another year, it’s that time when resolutions dance in our heads like sugarplums. But let’s be real, big, audacious goals can sometimes feel like oversized shoes – awkward and a tad uncomfortable. So, how about we ditch the resolutions this year and try something a bit more tailored to the cozy fit of our well-being? Welcome to the world of setting intentions.

Step 1: Reflect on Your Journey

Imagine life as a magical journey, and intentions as secret spells guiding your way. But before we talk about these magical intentions, let’s pause and look back at your adventure so far. Reflect on the happy moments, tough times, and unexpected turns that made your journey unique. What did you learn from these experiences? What made you smile and sparked a little joy inside?

Reflection is like having a map of your past adventures. It helps you understand where you’ve been and figure out where you want to go next. It’s like looking in a magical mirror that shows you the important parts of your story. When you know what made you strong and what made you happy, you can use those lessons to plan your future journey.

Find a quiet moment to reflect, whether it’s after a big adventure or during a cozy evening. Anywhere you feel comfortable, like your favorite cozy corner at home, under the shade of a big tree in the park, or even on a peaceful starry night. The important thing is to find a place where you can connect with your thoughts and memories.

Start by closing your eyes and letting your mind wander through the chapters of your life. Think about the exciting parts and the challenging moments. Ask yourself what you’ve learned and how those lessons can be your magical spells for the future. Write down your thoughts in a special journal or share them with a trusted friend. This way, you’ll be ready to cast positive intentions for the next chapters of your amazing adventure.

Grab your journal and go to a quiet spot. Jot down three memorable moments from the past year. What made them special?

Step 2: Identify Your Core Values

This idea is for folks like you and me who want to live life on purpose. It’s like planting seeds in the good soil of our values. Think about what really makes your heart happy – like being nice, growing as a person, or connecting with others. These are your special values, like stars guiding your way.

It’s like finding the secret to a happy and meaningful life. When you know what matters most to you, you can make choices that fit with who you really are. This makes you feel good inside, like when you eat your favorite ice cream.

The start of a new year is a great time to do this… or when big things are happening in your life. But really, it’s a thing you can do whenever you feel like it.

Take some time to think about what you really care about – maybe by writing in a journal or talking with someone you trust. Once you know your special values, you can make plans that fit with them. And don’t forget to check in now and then, because things change, and you might need to tweak your plans.

List three values that resonate with you. These will be the compass for your journey ahead.

Step 3: Keep It Simple, Keep It You

Now, intentions ain’t like those bold resolutions so many make at the start of the year, no siree. Resolutions, they’re like a lion roaring in the jungle, all fierce and demanding. But intentions, well, they’re more like a gentle breeze that whispers secrets of personal growth and well-being in your ear.

So, what in the world are these intentions, you might wonder? Well, think of them as your own personal guideposts, little markers on the path of life. They ain’t about pushing and shoving, no sir. Intentions are all about honoring yourself, like giving a nod to your spirit and saying, “Hey there, I’m taking care of you.”

Now, let’s dive into the how of it all. Resolutions, bless their hearts, can feel like a strict coach yelling, “Run that marathon, and run it now!” But intentions, my dear friends, they’re as gentle as a kitten’s purr. Instead of barking commands like, “I will run a marathon,” try something softer, like, “I will honor my body with movement.” Feel that difference? It’s like changing a loud marching band into a soft, sweet melody for your soul.

And why, you might ask, should we bother with these intentions? Well, it’s like this: life can be a wild river, full of twists and turns. Resolutions, they’re like trying to build a dam to control that river, but intentions, well, they’re more like finding a sturdy boat and paddling along. They’re your compass, pointing you in the direction of self-love and growth.

Craft an intention that is personal and comfortable to you. Write it down and place it somewhere you’ll see it often.

Step 4: Embrace Flexibility

Life is a bit like the Ohio River winding its way through the Ohio Valley, full of unexpected turns and meanders. It’s as if we’re all just passengers on a boat, drifting along with the current, never quite certain where the next bend will take us. Intentions, my friends, are the riverbanks that guide us gently, allowing for the natural ebb and flow.

Those unexpected turns? They’re like stumbling upon hidden gems, unplanned but oh-so-wonderful. Maybe you didn’t think you’d discover that charming little town with the best homemade pie, but there it is, and suddenly, your journey just got a whole lot sweeter.

In this river of life, it’s wise to have a Plan B. Just like a skilled captain prepares for unexpected weather, consider creating alternatives, a backup plan for those unexpected bends. Life is full of surprises, and having a Plan B ensures you’re ready to navigate any detour, making your journey more resilient and fulfilling.

So, be a riverboat captain in the grand adventure of life. Navigate the Ohio River with intention, embrace the surprises, and don’t forget to have a Plan B in your back pocket. You never know when it might come in handy, guiding you through the unexpected currents and leading you to even more delightful discoveries along the way.

Consider a ‘Plan B’ for your intention. How can you adapt it to unexpected twists and turns?

Step 5: Practice Self-Compassion

Let’s talk about the waltz of self-compassion that’s as soothing as that warm piece of apple pie we discovered in our “Plan B” above. Now, you see, in the pursuit of becoming the best version of ourselves, it’s like navigating a tricky dance floor with uneven floorboards – you might stumble, you might wobble, but that’s where the beauty of self-compassion swoops in like a gentle partner in a slow dance.

Now, what is this self-compassion, you ask? Well, it’s like having a friendly voice inside your head, a cheerleader who doesn’t judge but offers a soft “You can do it, pal” when you’re feeling a bit shaky on your feet. It’s about treating yourself with the same kindness and understanding you’d readily dish out to a dear friend who’s had a tough day.

And how does this dance of self-compassion unfold? Picture this: you’re stepping along the path of personal growth, and suddenly, whoops, you take a wrong step, maybe even a twirl in the wrong direction. Now, here’s the crucial part – instead of berating yourself or throwing in the towel like it’s the end of the world, you adjust that metaphorical crown of yours and keep on waltzing forward.

It’s about understanding that veering off course doesn’t mean the music stops. No, sir. It means you’ve got an opportunity to showcase resilience, to show that you’re not afraid to keep moving even when the rhythm gets a bit tricky. And let me tell you, adjusting that crown is a symbol of self-respect, a nod to the fact that you’re deserving of kindness, especially from yourself.

Imagine a garden, a garden of personal growth where intentions bloom like wildflowers. Intentions, you see, are not about achieving perfection; they’re about progress. It’s about understanding that every step, every misstep, is a part of the journey.

In this dance, the goal isn’t flawlessness; it’s about the grace in the process. It’s about acknowledging that you’re a work in progress, a masterpiece constantly in the making. And when you treat yourself with the warmth and kindness of a friend, you water those intentions with a nurturing sprinkle of self-love.

Write a love note to yourself. What qualities do you admire within?

Step 6: Cultivate Mindfulness in Daily Life

We previously discussed the garden of personal growth, the act of tending to that garden is mindfulness. Now, what in the world is mindfulness, you may ask? Well, it’s not about thinking about what you had for lunch or worrying about tomorrow’s big project. It’s more like paying attention to the here and now, savoring the flavor of each moment like you would savoring that apple pie we have so often discussed in this article. (By the way, maybe I just really need to eat a piece of pie.)

So anyway, how do you go about this mindfulness business? It’s as simple as taking a slow walk through the garden of your thoughts. Imagine each step is a mindful stroll, paying attention to the crunch of gravel beneath your sneakers and the rustle of leaves in the breeze. Just like tending to a garden, you gotta be patient and give it time.

When you are planting seeds of good intentions. You wouldn’t just toss seeds in the dirt and forget about them, would you? No, sir! You’d water them, give ’em sunlight, and watch ’em grow. Same goes for your intentions. They need the nourishing soil of mindfulness to really take root and flourish.

Intentions, you see, ain’t a set-and-forget kind of deal. You gotta be present, like a front-row seat at the county fair. Mindfulness turns those intentions from mere words – like saying you’re gonna clean your kitchen – into a full-blown experience. It’s like transforming a plain ol’ cup of tea into a ceremony, where each sip is a celebration of the moment.

Whether you’re sipping that tea or feeling the earth beneath your feet, mindfulness is like a magical potion that turns the ordinary into the extraordinary. It’s about living each moment, not just passing through. So, next time you’re sitting on the porch or driving to work, take a deep breath, notice the colors around you, and let mindfulness work its enchantment. It’s the secret ingredient to turning intentions into a rich, lived experience.

Choose a daily ritual to infuse with mindfulness. It could be as simple as taking a mindful breath before each meal.

Step 7: Celebrate Small Wins

In our existence we can descirbe our life like a large quilt. The little triumphs form the delicate stitches that build up strength. Embrace every stride ahead, even the tiniest. It’s the patchwork of these successes that crafts the splendid artwork of a life well-enjoyed.

So, how do you go about this tapestry of life? Well, it’s all about relishing the small wins. Whether it’s finishing a challenging puzzle, learning a new skill, or simply making someone smile, each accomplishment is a patch of color on your personal quilt of life.

But why should you even bother with these small celebrations? Because, my friend, life is not just about the grand events that make headlines. It’s about the everyday victories, the ones that may go unnoticed but leave a lasting imprint on your soul. They are the quiet melodies that accompany the larger symphony of your life.

Share a small win from today with someone you trust. Bask in the joy of your achievements.

Closing Thoughts: Embrace the Journey

Now, as we step onto this path of intentions, remember that where we’re going isn’t like some spot on a map you can pinpoint. No sir, it’s more like a meadow that changes colors with every passing season. So, grab your walking stick and let’s saunter through this field of dreams together.

Intentions are like little seeds you plant in the soil of your heart. And as we move along this trail, we’re tending to those seeds, watching them sprout and blossom into something beautiful. But hold your horses, ’cause it’s not just about reaching some far-off destination. It’s about the journey, the twists and turns that make the adventure worthwhile.

Now, life, my friends, is full of surprises. There are bends in the road, unexpected forks, and sometimes, the path takes us on a detour we didn’t see coming. But here’s the secret: those detours ain’t roadblocks; they’re opportunities to discover hidden gems and new perspectives.

So, let’s raise our cups to the New Year, full of intentions that are like the sweetest honey for our souls. Imagine these intentions as little lanterns lighting up our way. They guide us through the darkness, showing us the magic in the mundane and the beauty in every step we take.

And as we amble through this landscape of growth, let’s not forget to savor the small moments. It’s like stopping to smell the flowers along the trail or listening to the rustle of leaves in the breeze. Those are the bits of grace sprinkled along our path, making the journey all the more delightful.

So, here’s to you, dear wanderers, with your hearts full of intentions and your feet on this ever-unfolding journey. May your New Year be a quilt stitched with the threads of growth, discovery, and the simple joys found in each step you take. And maybe some apple pie.

Share one of your intentions for the New Year with the Happy People Community. Let’s inspire each other with the warmth of our aspirations.

One Comment

  1. Jane says:

    This is such a good idea. I will read this again in the new year and be intentional

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