How Big Fish the Musical Taught Me to Prioritize Joy in a Busy Life

As the technical director for “Big Fish the Musical,” I had a front-row seat to the magic of the show every night. From the soaring musical numbers to the elaborate set design, I watched as the audience was transported into the whimsical world of Edward Bloom, a man who lived life to the fullest.

But beyond the spectacle of the production, there was a deeper message that resonated with me personally: the importance of prioritizing joy in a busy life. In this article, I’ll share how “Big Fish the Musical” taught me to find happiness in the everyday and offer tips for others looking to do the same. So come along for the ride and let’s dive into the world of “Big Fish”!

The Importance of Prioritizing Joy

As someone who spends most of my time behind the scenes, I can tell you firsthand that the theater world can be pretty hectic. From long all-day rehearsals to late-night tech runs, it’s easy to get caught up in the chaos of it all. But as I watched “Big Fish the Musical” night after night, I began to realize that amidst the madness, joy should always be at the forefront.

Yes, I know what you’re thinking: “Joy? That sounds a little cheesy.” But hear me out. When you’re in the thick of it, it’s easy to forget why you’re doing what you’re doing. You might think that success or recognition is the ultimate goal, but what good is all of that if you’re not enjoying the journey along the way?

Now, I’m not saying that you should go around singing “Kumbaya” and skipping down the street (although if that’s your thing, more power to you). But taking the time to appreciate the little things in life can go a long way in boosting your overall happiness.

So next time you’re feeling overwhelmed or stressed, take a step back and ask yourself: “What can I do to bring a little joy into my day?” Maybe it’s taking a walk outside, listening to your favorite song, or treating yourself to a midday snack (my personal favorite).

Lessons Learned from “Big Fish the Musical”

Beyond the themes of joy and fulfillment, “Big Fish the Musical” is chock-full of valuable lessons for life. As someone who had a front-row seat to the show every night (well, from the pit anyway), I can attest to the power of these messages. Here are just a few of the lessons I learned from the show:

  1. Embrace your imagination One of the central themes of “Big Fish the Musical” is the power of imagination. Edward Bloom is a master storyteller, and he weaves fantastical tales of giants, witches, and mermaids to captivate his audience. But as the show reveals, these stories aren’t just fiction – they’re a reflection of Edward’s own vivid imagination. In a world that often values realism over creativity, “Big Fish” reminds us of the importance of embracing our inner child and letting our imaginations run wild.
  2. Treasure your relationships Another key message of the show is the importance of relationships. Edward Bloom has a deep love for his wife, his son, and his friends, and he prioritizes these connections above all else. Through his example, we’re reminded that no amount of success or wealth can replace the love and support of those closest to us.
  3. Cherish the present moment Finally, “Big Fish the Musical” encourages us to live in the present and cherish each moment as it comes. As Edward Bloom is always constantly caught up in seizing opportunities that are happening in the present, so should we. Whether it’s enjoying a beautiful sunset, sharing a meal with loved ones, or simply taking a deep breath, there are countless opportunities to savor the moment and appreciate the beauty of life.
Image Credit to Robert Bowman

Bringing “Big Fish the Musical” into Your Life

Now that we’ve discussed the importance of joy and the lessons we can learn from “Big Fish the Musical,” let’s explore some practical ways to incorporate these themes into our daily lives. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  1. Make time for creativity Whether it’s writing, drawing, or simply daydreaming, carving out time for creativity can help bring more joy and imagination into your life. Consider starting a journal or taking a class in a creative field you’re interested in.
  2. Prioritize quality time with loved ones In our fast-paced world, it can be easy to let relationships fall by the wayside. But as “Big Fish the Musical” reminds us, our connections with others are some of the most valuable things we have. Make it a point to spend quality time with loved ones, whether it’s a weekly dinner date or a weekend getaway.
  3. Practice mindfulness Living in the present moment can be easier said than done, but there are many techniques you can use to cultivate mindfulness in your daily life. Consider trying meditation, yoga, or simply taking a few deep breaths throughout the day.
  4. Seek out new experiences One of the things that makes “Big Fish the Musical” so captivating is its sense of adventure. We can bring this same spirit into our own lives by seeking out new experiences and stepping outside our comfort zones. This might mean trying a new hobby, exploring a new part of town, or traveling to a new destination.

How it Ends

In the end, “Big Fish the Musical” is a celebration of joy, creativity, and the power of imagination. Through its charming characters, catchy songs, and heartwarming themes, the show reminds us of the importance of finding happiness in even the most challenging of times.

As we navigate our own busy lives, it can be easy to forget the value of joy and play. But by taking a cue from “Big Fish the Musical” and incorporating its lessons into our daily routines, we can find greater fulfillment and happiness.

So why not take a moment to appreciate the present, embrace your creativity, and treasure the relationships that make life worth living?

All I can see is miles ahead with miles to go
All I can feel is wind and sun and sky
Stop for a coffee, make a friend,
And pray the day will never end
‘Cause there’s one more adventure waiting ’round another bend

Where I fight the dragons and I storm the castles
And I win a battle or two

– Edward Bloom, Fight the Dragons

One Comment

  1. Kaitelyn Baker says:

    Love this!!

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